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Martin Luther King Quiz

1. A few years after his marriage to Coretta Scott King, Martin Luther King, Jr. studied the philosophy of what well-known political leader?

a) Abraham Lincoln
b) Julius Caesar
c) Mohandas Gandhi
d) Nelson Mandela

2. What was Rosa Parks famous for?

a) leading slaves to freedom in the Underground Railroad
b) causing the University of Alabama to become racially integrated
c) refusing to give up her seat on a bus to a white man

3. What was the name of King's first book?

a) We Shall Overcome
b) I Have A Dream
c) The Color Purple
d) Stride Toward Freedom

4. Where was the first sit-in?

a) at a high school in Little Rock, Arkansas
b) in front of the Lincoln Memorial
c) on a march in Selma, Alabama
d) at a Ku Klux Klan parade in Skokie, Illinois
e) at a Woolworth's lunch counter in Greensboro, North Carolina

5. Where did Martin Luther King give his famous "I Have A Dream" speech?

a) on the steps of the courthouse in Montgomery, Alabama
b) at the Ebenezer Baptist Church
c) in front of the White House
d) at the Lincoln Memorial

6. In 1964, Martin Luther King received what prestigious award?

a) Pulitzer Prize
b) Nobel Peace Prize
c) Nobel Prize for Literature
d) none of the above

7. Just prior to his assassination, why did Martin Luther King go to Memphis, Tennessee?

a) to begin a march on Washington
b) to support a strike by sanitation workers
c) to protest school segregation

8. What black leader was killed five years before King's assassination?

a) Nelson Mandela
b) Malcolm X
c) Stokely Carmichel
d) James Baldwin
e) Medgar Evers

9. Who was arrested for the murder of Martin Luther King?

a) James Earl Ray
b) Lee Harvey Oswald
c) Sirhan Sirhan
d) Jack Ruby

10. Which president signed the first major civil rights act of the 1900s?

a) Abraham Lincoln
b) Teddy Roosevelt
c) John F. Kennedy
d) Lyndon B. Johnson



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